Friday, 29 March 2013

Do You Know Your Competition?

That’s quite the question, isn’t it? Most business owners try very hard not to think, or speak about their competitors. They say it’s enough to know they are out there.

However, isn’t it better to know what you’re up against?  Isn’t it better to know what they are doing great so you can steer clear and make yourself great at something else?

If your competitor has you beat on price, why not beat them on customer service?  It isn’t always just about price. Sometimes value prevails. People buy from those they like and trust. If you offer things your clients value sometimes you get the business even if your price is a little higher.

No one wants to compete in a race to the bottom.  But a race it is and you can decide which one you are willing to enter.  Make it worth your while.  Don’t compete where you can’t win.  Compete where you can!
You can determine the kinds of products you offer; the type of service; the quality; the guarantee and lots more.

Find out what your competitor is doing and be different.  Check to see if what they offer is just standard fare. Then offer better.

Don’t be caught up in avoidance.  For your success, meet them head on.  Determine your own race and WIN!

What do you think? We would love to know someone is reading. Tell us right here on this page!
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Monday, 25 March 2013

Do a Twist

There are things in this world that everyone does the same as everyone else. For example, everyone sends out Christmas cards. Do you ? 

Then maybe you could do something entirely different. How be you send out Groundhog Day cards? Actually, it was Groundhog Day buttons I handed out.

Yes, on a cold February day I ventured downtown to go into businesses and give all there a button. Some were thrilled to have someone come and brighten their day. One office worker actually snarled at me. But, I did get a write up in the local paper because I did something different.

What can you do?

While some people send flowers, you send a basket filled with coffees from around the world; or maybe cheeses; or everyone’s favourite – chocolate.

While everyone is busy using email because it is fast, easy and very inexpensive, why not send your own designed hand-written cards?

Get the idea. Look at what others do, then do a twist and do something that differentiate you from the crowd.

Make a list of 10 things that everyone does in your industry. Now put your own twist on them. Take your time and think it through carefully. The best ideas always take time. Let your mind mull over your ideas as you are falling off to sleep. That way your subconscious mind works at it all night.

You don’t need to do them all; just use them as jumping off points for other ideas.

Become aware. Watch and see what is going on in other industries. Look for oddities and specialties that can be twisted and flipped and turned on their ear to create a whole new use.
For more information visit:

Friday, 22 March 2013

The Implications of Mission and Vision

Having well thought out mission and vision statements is not the end of the process for you and your business. These statements should be intimately tied to how your business is structured and how customers are treated today and long-term. Let’s take the ones developed for our business and see what that means.

Merrimac Marketing MissionBuilding on the strong information foundations underpinning the Merrimac Marketing offering, we are committed to helping our clients identify solid, worthwhile, marketing goals in their businesses. We work with them as coaches to avoid the inevitable risks they face achieving them online. An important first step in our unique service offering is to facilitate the opportunity represented by establishing the unique Merrimac Marketing coaching process.

Merrimac Marketing Vision - In its community Merrimac Marketing is recognized as the first, best choice for information, products and services in the area of online marketing for small businesses. Merrimac Marketing differentiates itself by the exceptional level of personalized service and coaching that it can provide to its clients who are business startups and other small business owners. Merrimac Marketing attracts new clients regularly and easily because of the strong referrals that its clients provide.

First off, look at the structure of the website, Notice that the business is geared to help people get established online quickly and easily without needing a lot of expertise right now. Secondly, the whole business is directed toward the development of a strong coaching relationship. We have actually built this into the process from the get-go by providing a lot of advice in the development process. (Most people select options initially without thinking about all their information needs down the road.)

The website has been based on providing information to our clients and potential customers. Eventually it will be a place where customers can find all they need to take advantage of online marketing opportunities that put them ahead of their rivals as sources of expertise and information in their chosen field. It will allow for marketing opportunities in line with modern expectations. Such positioning makes them and their business “findable” in the marketplace.

Modern customers increasingly show a marked preference for control and initiative in starting the buying process. It used to be that the business owner/marketer controlled this process. To them belonged the initiative to contact, or not. They controlled all the important information and its dissemination. Well, things have changed.

You can deliberately fashion your business to take advantage of these important demographic changes or you can leave your online efforts in “old mode”, providing brags about you and your company, your products and providing basic contact information “serious” prospects. It’s a recipe for financial ruin.

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