For my money, the spammers are a good place to start making changes. As of today anybody with a nonsense comment, a vague comment or a too much used I.P. address, a non, relevant name (parts of the business name or other trivial non-name entries), bogus emails etc., all the symptoms of spam, will not be posted.
Thankfully, Word Press provides the ability to adjudicate comments. The place to start is by activating the A kismet plugin provided by Word Press as a means to help. We’ve done that as of this morning. The spammers that have found us have progressed beyond the bogus email stage. We’ll have to see what comes of our action in terms of traffic. Regardless, the spammers just make the whole thing too unpredictable. Something has to give.
Make no mistake, we will make this site successful in spite of spammers. They have tools, but so do we. Spammers are not a reason not to pursue an inbound marketing strategy any more than rats, like the one in the graphic, should prevent anybody form pursuing any other business idea.
This is definitely a down aspect of starting an SEO effort like a blog, but the end results are worth the effort
If you are one of the unfortunates that gets their comments sidetracked by mistake, hang in there and send us a clarification via comments or email. Thankfully, again, like most everything else in Word Press, most actions are reversible. The good news is that this is almost as bad as it can get and there are tools and people to help put it right. After all, the spammers found you. That’s good news. You’ve been found, which is what you are trying to accomplish, right?
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