You wouldn’t be the only one if you confessed that during TV commercials you
ran to the kitchen for a snack. Nor would you be the only one if you said
you flip through other channels to see what’s going on.
Stop doing that! Those repetitive commercials are there for one reason
only. They work. And because they work, you can use them as your course in
Commercial Marketing 101.
Paying attention to strategies that work and then modifying them so they
work for your business is being a savvy marketer.
Listen to the words they use; the coolers; the benefits they focus on. What
is the ratio between benefits and features?
Companies that run ongoing commercials have large marketing budgets which
afford them access to top marketers. Capitalize on that by learning from
them what works in today’s market. You may even be able to deduce what works in
your market
Consider first of all who their target market is. If it is the same as
yours, then watch the commercial. If your market is different, then move on to
a commercial that fits.
Don’t forget that different geographical areas will run different
commercials to suit their demographics. Pay attention. Professional
marketers for big companies often have the research to back demographic
decisions. You may be able to determine from the ad whether enough of your
target market exists in your area to make locally targeted marketing worthwhile. After all, there isn’t much use spending time and money locally if
your target group(s) isn’t there in sufficient numbers.
Maybe there is a particular station that speaks to your market. Find it;
learn from It.; copy it, and if possible, use it